The purpose of the association is to represent the parents of member pupils. It acts as a liaison between the parents, the teaching staff and the school management, and manages the school.
More specifically, the Parents’ association (APE) aims to:
to represent the parents or legal guardians of pupils enrolled at the French School of Havana who are active members of the APE
to ensure the proper execution of the management agreement between the A.E.F.E. and the A.P.E. which came into force on 01 September 2002
to work with the grants committee
to look after the moral, intellectual and material interests of the pupils
to facilitate relations between parents, teaching staff and the authorities responsible for the school
to collaborate in the life of the school with the participation of as many of its members as possible
to inform its members of the services it offers, to listen to all parent members and to defend the interests of all
to organise permanent or provisional committees, to appoint employees or assistants to its office and to give them duties and allowances
to promote, with the agreement of the school management and in the interests of the pupils and their families, any organisation of extra-curricular activities of an educational, cultural or sporting nature
to keep abreast of National Education reforms and the plans, wishes and recommendations of the teaching staff
to ensure that the present statutes and the school’s internal regulations are respected and to keep the entire Lycée Français de La Havane community informed